Sunday, April 21, 2013

National Princess Week!

April 22nd through the 28th is National Princess Week! Deemed by one of my favorite actresses, Julie Andrews!

This is a video talking all about it!

I am all about princesses! Dressing up, bossing people around and being able to do whatever I please are three of my favorite pastimes. So this post is going to be all about princesses and how great they are!

Princess Anne

If you didn't know already, Audrey Hepburn is bascially my favorite person ever. She is probably my biggest inspiration. But anyway, Audrey plays Princess Anne in Roman Holiday which is my favorite movie of hers. She is tired of her life as a princess and she runs away to follow her heart. If you haven't seen it you should totally check it out! 

Princess Bubblegum

Okay if you don't watch Adventure Time this is Princess Bubblegum, she is the princess of Candy Kingdom. She is a very busy lady taking care of all the candy people. I love her because she doesn't let a guy tell her what to do and she's smart as heck! She's a scientist and is always doing experiements to help her kingdom become better. She also has the best style,  can I please have her hair?!


Belle is one of my favorite Disney princesses. She's the one I most connect with because like Belle, I love to read as well. I love Belle also because Gaston thought just because he was a man and she was a woman and he was nice to her that he was allowed to act that way towards her, but being a smart independent woman, she wasn't going to have any of that. She also stood by her side when the whole town called her dad crazy. I could really go on and on but Belle is such a strong princess.

Snow White

Snow White is my favorite princess! A lot of people don't care for her because they think she didn't really do much. But she took care of 7 men! I don't know about you, but I can barely deal with one man. But she did it and got them to listen to her and she also found love, all at  the same time!

Princess Diana
Last but not least we have the only real princess on my list. Not only was she adorable (look at this face), she did tons of charity work and also dealt with bulimia. In the 1990s she was also all about gay rights, which was a very big deal, especially because she was royalty.

I know there are tons more of amazing princesses out there but these are my favorites. Now put on your prettiest dress and tiara and enjoy National Princess Week!

The best princess music is Disney music:

Cinderella - So This is Love by Disney on Grooveshark

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