Monday, June 17, 2013

New Outfits!

Hey guys! I know I have not posted in about a thousand years and I'm really sorry but I'm finally posting now. Hannah and I went thrifting today and bought a bunch of stuff so here it is. This post is going to be kinda long just because I bought multiple things today so you're being warned!

My Outfit:
- Button up - Forever 21
- Striped shorts - DIY 
- Sunnies - Forever 21
- Flats - Love Culture

Hannah's Outfit:
- Blouse - Amvets
- Denim shorts - DIY
- Sunnies - Songbird
- Boots - Boot Barn

Dress - La Bomba
Belt - Hannah's closet

Skirt - Amvets

That was my super long outfit post. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm going to try to post my adventures more often. I hope everyone has a great week!